An early start in the morning to head for the capital of Ethiopia, on what would be a short (max 3 hour) ride. A 265 km on good tarmac road should take no more. First thing against us was that we needed to stop in the first town to change the bearing of the serpentine belt which was making a squeaking noise (the one that stopped the car in December and could cause considerable unrepairable trouble). It was good to know that we didn't buy our spares for nothing, but the bad thing was that it was also one of the last spare part we have. After a small hour we were on our way again. The next 180 km to Mojo were on schedule with an average speed of 66 km/h. The last 85 km on the other hand took almost three hours due to all the trucks that drive less then 30 km/h! The last delay we had (this day) was to find the place to stay in Addis: street names (if they exist at all) are known to be changed on a regular basis…
Finally at 16.40h we arrived at a really nice hotel with marble stairways and a hot shower, the latter was a heaven after all the dust and smog. Around the corner of the hotel is the Erkata with the best Shiro in Ethiopia (so far)!!!