Info to date: Current elevation 2500 m. Trip distance: 2,387 km (Sorry Helluh). Moving time: 51hrs 45 minutes. Moving average 46.1km/h. Max speed 101km/h. Current speed 10.1km/h.
We were up with the best intentions of leaving town early. We are heading North. We gave ourselves two scenarios depending on how the drive goes. It is supposed to be an easy drive from Addis to Bahir Dar with a possible stop in Debre Markos. If we make good time we may be able to head over to Lalibela and still make it to the border with Sudan on 21st. The road all the way is paved and we have high expectations of an easy drive. Well… The road is up through the mountains and there is no shortage of huge trucks winding their way in 1st gear. It seems no matter what, we can't get away from our 50km/h average and we should just accept our fate on this trip. Maybe we'll make it to Holland by October? The scenery along the way consisted of endless glowing hills covered in yellow dried grass, all at altitudes above 3000 meters. With so much cattle on the way, it must be that the best tibbs comes from this region. Another novelty of this area is the donkey-cart. Mainly used by young boys who were standing on the front encouraging the ass to move (Another word that Eowyn picked up very quickly). We pulled into Debre Markos in the late afternoon and found a local hotel. Amazingly, it has hot water and we shower up and after some shiro take an evening walk around town. Nothing spectacular and we make it an early night in preparation for our drive on Saturday.